Residential paint in New York |
Interior Services. paint my home nyc understands that interior painting requires a special level of care and attention to detail. Our staff of year-round professionals has painted area interiors for over ten years.
- Painting with premium paint.
- Textured Walls and Ceilings, Knock down, Orange peel
- Acoustic Removal.
- Drywall repair, taping and installation
- Caulking & sealing of windows, doors and baseboards
- Installation of Moldings, Crown molding, Base boards, Casing.
- Wallpaper removal
- Stripping and refinishing of stained trim and cabinetry
Exterior Services.
BKNY INTERIORS PAINTING has painted hundreds of homes in the Brooklyn and manhattan area. Our staff of year-round professionals will provide you with a superior level of workmanship at a competitive rate.
BKNY INTERIORS PAINTING has painted hundreds of homes in the Brooklyn and manhattan area. Our staff of year-round professionals will provide you with a superior level of workmanship at a competitive rate.
- Custom Painting with Premium Quality Paint.
- Electrometric Coatings.
- Pressure Washing.
- Stucco Repair.
- Light Carpentry service
- Mildew Treatment.
- Glazing, Windows and Door Sashes.
- Caulking Seams and Casings.
- Priming.
- Staining.